It's been a rough few months! :)
One of the reasons I came back to Medium was just to have an outlet.
For a while, I was working on writing consulting, but the site honestly took way too much of my time for quite a lot of promotion to be needed for real people reads.
Besides that, I'm working on a rewrite of my first released short story (a cardinal sin) but here I am. It's hugely better than the original sitting on Amazon right now. lol
I have 6 short stories I'm working on. Two are mostly done, two are structured, two are on the outskirts to be sorted out from a mass of random chapters written over the last decade. (Thank goodness for the last 3 years I've done to figure out how to actually tell a story >_< )
I have an 80k novel that needs an actual storyline, and that's in work too.
Besides the creative stuff, just working on lots of website updates, email campaigns, and SEO upgrades for the day job.
I've also been helping the wife with brand, social, and marketing.
I'm sad to say my 4+ year writing group hasn't been super active the last 3 months, but we all needed some self-care from pandemic craziness. I fully expect us to pick back up soon.
I did just drop this little creative writing experiment:
It was a potential collaboration, but I figured it would be fun to share and expand on here for kicks.